Our lives together

(Written to my wife on our anniversary in 2011)
Standing on that fire hydrant, as nervous as I was; I saw you for the first time and my heart has never stopped longing for you. Tatana on that very first day I met you, my life truly began. I saw purpose and motivation. I continue to go back to that first image I have of you on the day we met. I will NEVER forget that day. It provided me the answer to the question of where do I fit in and where am I going. It was the most important and life changing event; second only to coming to know Christ. You are still, and will forever be, that important to me and that necessary in my life.
In 15 years of marriage, we’ve had one huge set back. The devil thought he could destroy us, but we fought back and trust God to see us through. I pray the next 45+ years are just as memorable as these first 15 and that we never lose sight of how much our love means not only to each other, but to those God has put in our lives. Let’s continue to walk in His path chosen for us and build up each other in the faith. Let’s continue to raise our children with respect for God and His Word. Let’s continue to be used by God in His kingdom on this earth wherever He puts us and however that ministry takes shape.
I love you so much.
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