The absolute truth

I just had to get this off my chest. Yes he did it, I don’t care what it looks like, what you may have heard or your opinion. The fact of the matter is he did it. You might be fooled or might not see it, but it happened. I just can’t convince you that it happened.
When we come to Christ and accept Him as both our Lord and Savior, something changes. As the title of this blog states, we are changed by Christ. However, sometimes we get stuck and fall back into our old way of living and our old way of thinking and believing. One preacher I know calls it our ‘stinkin thinkin’ and that really sums it up.
If you have hit a plateau in your walk and you seem to have to convince others that you really are a Christian, then it is time for a personal revival. If you are internally having to look back to where your life was changed because you have slumped back into the foul language or the bad habits, the. It is time for a personal revival.
You life should be so different on the outside that people are attracted to that difference. It is that difference that is your light. So you no longer will have to tell the story of what He did for you, or try to convince yourself and others that you really are saved; your life will be a living testimony of His daily grace and peace extended to you.
The way to personal revival is simple. You have to think of Christ as your fiancé, the Bible as His love letter to you and prayer the telephone. The more time you spend with Him, the more you will want to be around Him and the more you want to be around Him, the more you will be like Him. Our goal is to be a reflection of Christ, that His image is seen in and through you. Your prayers will stop being selfish prayers and a list of demands, but rather prayers of repentance and blessing for others. Spend time with Him every single day and with His Word, just as you would someone you were trying to imitate.
If you need any help getting jump started, just email me from the contact us page or leave a comment here and others will be glad to encourage you as you are trying to have a personal revival. God bless you.
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